Sunday, December 06, 2009

Zebras and frogs.


AAAH school's wearing me out. I should be doing a hell of a lot of assignments but I just can't seem to force myself into starting.

So, what else to do but blog about last week's trip to Aachen?

Well, all awesomely tacky cheap stores (in which you'd find some pretty neat stuff if you really looked around) were gone, so all that was left was Zara and H&M. Oh and Xenos, which we don't have in Belgium.
I got me a HUGE black circle scarf at Promod, for €20. It's all nice and fuzzy.

Now the pictures!

Bad, bad lighting in this photo, I know. It was too cold to start fiddling around with the buttons on my camera.

Possibly the cutest frogs since the Motilium adverts.

We went to a hell of a lot of toy stores to take pictures of all things zebra, for the second part of my zebra-linked assignment for school.

It was fcking freezing, and I still don't have a winter coat so I just ran around in my jacket all day. So we decided to go heat up with some hot chocolate. I went for a milkshake instead.
When we went out again, it felt as if the temperature had dropped a few more degrees.

And the award for prettiest christmas lights of the day goes to...

And the award for the ugliest christmas lights of the day goes to...
Srsly, draping blue lights in trees... What were they thinking?

Happy Sunday everyone.



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