Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Apr. 13: Doubt.


This always happens during breaks from school. I get bored, I have too much time to think about things and once I get around the whole school subject, I fear, once again, that I'm just not good enough to cut it. I know a lot of people think what I make is pretty, but my teachers just don't think it's sufficient. I agree with them.
I don't think I'll ever get past making things that are "nice" or "pretty". I don't think I'll ever be motivated enough to even try and take things to a whole other level.

I've been doing a few career tests and unfortunately, they all say the same thing.

"You are an Architect, possible professions include - strategic planning, writer, staff development, lawyer, architect, software designer, financial analyst, college professor, photographer, logician, artist, systems analyst, neurologist, physicist, psychologist, research/development specialist, computer programmer, data base manager, chemist, biologist, investigator."

It's quite accurate really, I've always loved writing (a lot of grade school teachers have told me that if I'd ever write a book they'd be the first to read it haha), my mother always says I should go into law, I've thought about teaching (I'm too impatient with kids though), as well as photography and psychology.
Actually, I'd study psychology if I wasn't so messed up myself (that, and statistics and research and shit's just not for me haha.)

Frankly, I just want to do whatever the hell I want. Besides law, my mom says I should work for a traveling agency because I'm good with languages and love to travel altogether. I know for sure I'm not going to make it to next year so maybe I should look into that.
Oh how I hate all this early adulthood drama. I wish I could just see the light for once and for all so I wouldn't feel like I'm wasting valuable time.



At April 15, 2010 at 5:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hooi! ik volg je blog al een tijdje, omdat ik volgend jaar ook grafische vormgeving ga studeren vind ik het altijd heel leuk en interessant om jouw posts over school te lezen!
maar je moet weten dat ik jouw werkjes wel heeeel mooi en inspirerend vindt (:

dat wilde ik even zeggen!
don't let the teachers bring you down:]

At May 7, 2010 at 11:14 AM , Anonymous birgit said...

You should totally be a physicist :D

At October 1, 2010 at 11:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hele late comment, maar ik heb je blog pas ontdekt en ik denk dat je iets zou moeten doen met schrijven.. want je schrijft erg vermakelijk!

verder kan ik mezelf heel erg herkennen in het verhaal, alleen ben ik alweer een aantal jaren verder in m'n studie en nog steeds twijfel! ach ja..


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