Friday, December 09, 2011

Three Dead Sisters

So I bought this floral kimono thing from Forever 21 about a week and a half ago! I'd been looking for one for a while (do want moaaarrr for Spring/Summer, preferably one with fringes) and this one really appealed to me! It's slightly granny-ish but hey it's not like I wear this with a turtle neck and a pearl necklace guys. More like extra deep cleavage red lipstick. That sounds really bad written down like that.

Also, Fonzie was napping on my bed and despite him being highly uncooperative, I just couldn't crop him out of the photo. He's completely taken over that blanket with his winter fur shedding all over the thing, but that's alright he can have it because I have my eye on the beige Ursula plaid from Ikea. But for some odd reason it's not for sale in my local Ikea, *pissed off*, so I'm just going to wait it out a bit. I'm kind of over the whole floral thing* to be honest, I'd like to incorporate some darker items in my room, like a black desk chair, some dark wood items, I don't know.
Perhaps I should lay off of spending money on decor items as I'm hoping to move out in 2012 (seeing the world is ending anyway you know!!!!) and I'll probably want a whole new clean slate to have my inner interior designer go wild. One thing I will need in my life is one of those massive wardrobes with like little drawers for accessories and shit. I was at Ikea today, drooling over these closets the way men would probably drool over cars.

Hey wow I'm ranting, sorry guys. Have a neato weekend my loves!

*I just realised this is a really stupid thing to say as I've just bought a floral kimono jacket thingy. OH WHATEVZ RIGHT.



At December 9, 2011 at 8:01 PM , Blogger a1s2d3 said...

hmmm...a kimono style floral cardigan, lol. your room is cute! so is the cat.

At December 9, 2011 at 9:42 PM , Anonymous Ines said...

oooh love it :-)

At December 9, 2011 at 9:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

plans sound great :DDD

how is it that cats refuse to let us take photos of them? My cat used to run to my legs every time he saw me with the camera so no chance of taking a decent photo ;)

xoxo Jen

At December 10, 2011 at 10:42 AM , Blogger Kailey said...

Ahh so distracted by how precious your kitty is! :33

At December 11, 2011 at 11:14 PM , Blogger Annebeth said...

hey als je ooit proper streetstyleblogoutfitfoto's wilt laat je maar iets weten want jij zit ook in antwerpen EN IK OOK

coole kimono gurlfriend

At December 17, 2011 at 10:32 PM , Anonymous Lianne said...

Misschien een beetje vreemde vraag, maar hoe heet de kleur verf op je muren en van welk merk is het? Ik vind het heeel mooi!

At December 17, 2011 at 10:34 PM , Blogger Vicky DISCOMETOOBLIVION.COM said...

@ Lianne: Het is behangpapier dat ik 6 jaar geleden bij een doe het zelf zaak in mijn buurt heb gekocht! Ik zou zeggen, print de foto uit en ga ermee naar een verfmengservice, en vergelijk met de kleurkaarten?


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